HC Deb 14 July 1926 vol 198 cc389-90
16. Mr. AMMON

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the calibre of the guns arming the 7,000-ton and 10,000-ton cruisers respectively, recently built by Japan?


The 7,000-ton and 10,000-ton cruisers will both have 8-inch guns.


Is there any connection between the shipbuilding referred to and the reopening of the Singapore base?


There is no connection at all.

17. Mr. AMMON

also asked the First Lord whether he is aware that cruisers of 7,000-ton standard displacement have recently been built by Japan; and whether, having regard to the difference in cost as compared with 10,000-ton cruisers, he will consider in his building programme that the cruisers shall not exceed 7,000 tons displacement?


As stated in reply to a similar question by the hon. Member on the 24th June, the Japanese Government laid down two cruisers of 7;100 tons displacement in 1923 and two more in 1924. One of these cruisers has since been completed. Since then, four cruisers of 10,000 tons displacement have been laid down, two in 1924 and two in 1925. In the circumstances and having regard to our own needs, there appears no reason for modifying the projected programme of construction outlined in Command Paper 2476, which allows for the builling of two types of cruisers of 10,000 and about 8,000 tons displacement respectively.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the figures he has given are a very great modification of the projected programme he gave in the Return of Fleets to this House?


I am not aware of that. What figures?

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

The number of the Japanese cruisers is much less than the number foreshadowed by the right hon. Gentleman in the case he presented to Parliament.

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