HC Deb 14 July 1926 vol 198 cc383-4

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he has now received the Report of the firing upon the British steam trawlers "Thomas Thresher" and "Abroria" by a Danish gunboat, on the 8th May, whilst fishing outside the territorial waters off the coast of Iceland?


His Majesty's Consul at Reykjavik has been in communication with the Icelandic Government on this matter, but it will not be possible to clear it up until the return from Greenland of one of the gunboats patrolling the Icelandic coast at the time.


asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if there has been any result from the representations made to the Icelandic authorities regarding the penalties inflicted upon British trawlers for offences against the law relating to the stowage of fishing gear in Icelandic territorial waters?


Yes, Sir. I am happy to state that a Bill passed by the Icelandic Alting amending the Act of the 8th May, 1920, has now received the assent of the King of Denmark. The effect of this Measure is to add a new paragraph after Article III of the above Act, in the following terms: If it is evident from all circumstances that the vessel has neither fished inside the territorial waters nor made any preparations for this purpose, the case may be settled by a caution where first offenders are concerned and by fines from 400 to 1,600 gold Kroner in case of repeated offence. His Majesty's Government have expressed to the Danish Government their gratification at this change in the law, and at the readiness of the authorities concerned to give consideration to their views on the matters with which it deals. I trust all engaged in the British fishing industry will do their best to observe the Regulations of the Danish and Icelandic Governments.


May I, on behalf of the fishing industry express my deep thanks—[HON. MEMBERS: "Speech"!]— to the right hon. Gentleman for the great trouble which he has taken in this matter.