HC Deb 08 July 1926 vol 197 cc2251-2
42. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked the Postmaster-General in which exchange areas outside the London district and the Hull district there is a delay of more than three weeks in installing new telephones; and in which areas are applicants informed that their orders cannot be extended owing to shortage of plant?


The extension of the telephone service is proceeding in all districts, but although every endeavour is made to forecast future developments, in a certain percentage of streets or areas the demand from time to time temporarily overtakes the supply, and occasionally extensive works, such as the laying of a new main cable, are necessary and involve a delay of some weeks. The list of areas in which there is a shortage of telephone plant therefore fluctuates from day to day, but every endeavour is made to overtake arrears as speedily as possible.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Is there any delay through lack of capital at the disposal of the Department?

Viscount WOLMER

I suppose if the Government had an unlimited amount of money we could supply everyone with telephones at a very reduced rate.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Is not the service remunerative?