HC Deb 07 July 1926 vol 197 cc2058-9
15. Colonel DAY

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, if he is aware that employés recently transferred from Pembroke and Rosyth Dockyards have been compelled to sell their houses at great financial loss owing to the depreciation in value following the closing of these yards; that they are unable to obtain accommodation at Portsmouth and Chatham; and will he consider the appeal of the men concerned that the Government should bear some of the financial losses which their policy has inflicted upon these transferred men?


I have no information as to losses actually sustained by Admiralty employés through the sale of their houses at Pembroke Dock and Rosyth. The possibility of such losses in regard to Pembroke Dock has, however, been represented to the Admiralty, and the matter is at present under consideration. As regards the additional expenditure incurred by the employés who are unable to obtain unfurnished accommodation, provision has already been made for the payment of lodging allowance. Particulars as to these allowances were given in the reply to the hon. and gallant Member for Devonport (Mr. Hore-Belisha) on 21st April last [OFFICIAL REPORT, column 1195–6]. I should add that, although that reply was in respect of Devonport, the same rules apply to the other dockyard towns.

Colonel DAY

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that just lately one of these men had to sell a six-room house for £10, and that another one with a 10-room house cannot let it for 5s. a week?