HC Deb 01 July 1926 vol 197 cc1320-1
17 and 18. Mr. ROBERT YOUNG

asked the Minister of Health (1) whether he is aware that approximately 200 unemployed men have to walk each week from Golborne to Atherton, a return journey of 10 miles, for the purpose of seeking relief from the board of guardians; and whether he can take any steps to mitigate this hardship while the present condition of unemployment lasts.

(2) Whether any instructions have been given to boards of guardians to make the granting of relief conditional on the recipient undertaking to repay the amount granted; whether he is aware that Golborne residents, when applying for relief, have been asked to sign an agreement undertaking to pay back the relief granted and empowering his employer to deduct sums up to 5s. per week from his wages and hand the same to the collector of the guardians; and, if not will he inquire why this is being done and issue instructions that every recipient of relief, before, signing such an agreement, be informed that the signing of it is not compulsory for the purpose of receiving relief?


I am making inquiries into the circumstances of the case, but have not yet received full reports. Perhaps the hon. Member would repeat his questions next week.