HC Deb 16 February 1926 vol 191 c1735

I desire respectfully to ask your opinion, Mr. Speaker, on a matter which concerns the position and dignity of this House. I allude to the ever-growing practice of hon. Members during Debate addressing one another in the second person across the Floor of the House. I would ask you whether it is not an immemorial custom for hon. Members to address their remarks exclusively to Mr. Speaker, and whether you do not consider it most undesirable that this custom should be departed from?


I cannot say that I wholly agree that there has been recently a growing practice such as is suggested. I believe the Chair in all Parliaments has now and then to call the attention of some Members to the Rule of the House that all the speeches should be addressed to the Chair. I should be very reluctant to admit that this Parliament is worse in that respect than its predecessors. At the same time, I agree entirely with the hon. Member that it is one of the most valuable Rules of the House, which all Members, particularly new Members, would do well to bear in mind. Of course, its importance is not realised by Members until they have sat here for some considerable time. When they have done that, they will understand how great and valuable a part it is of our traditions and practice.