HC Deb 15 December 1926 vol 200 cc2907-8
17. Colonel DAY

asked the Secretary of State for Air the results of the tests of the gyroscopic fog-guide device; and whether any of these instruments have been ordered by the Ministry?

The SECRETARY of STATE for AIR (Sir Samuel Hoare)

On the assumption that the hon. and gallant Member is referring to the Cooke-Schilovsky Turn Indicator, recently referred to in the Press, the answer to the first part of the question is that this instrument has undergone satisfactory tests, and to the second part, that arrangements are being made to order a number for extended service trials and for training purposes.

Colonel DAY

Will these instruments be made in Great Britain?


I could not reply without notice, but I think it is the case that they will be so made.


As the reply involves a number of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Can the hon. Gentleman state whether the numbers for 1924 or those for 1926 are the greater?


I can give those figures at once. In 1926, exclusive of persons in the coal-mining industry, the total was 82,884, and in December, 1924, the figure was 74,338.


Does that not prove that the Conservative Government have brought unemployment to the workers in that industry?

Following is the statement promised: