HC Deb 02 December 1926 vol 200 cc1371-2
67. Major MALONE

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that an auxiliary postman named Fenn, residing at Tottenham, who served for 40 years and was never late for duty, has been discharged from the service without pension or gratuity; and if he will consider the special claim of this man for some allowance in his old age?


The auxiliary postman referred to was a part-time employé and the Superannuation Acts make no provision for the award of !either pension or gratuity to persons who are not required to devote their whole time to the service. I regret, therefore, that I have no power to make an award in this case.


Will the hon. and gallant Gentleman try and alter the rules in order to provide against such cases, because this is the ease of a man who for over 40 years was never late for duty and surely he is entitled to some special recognition?

Viscount WOLMER

However much sympathy the Postmaster-General may have for this particular case, he is bound by the Superannuation Act in this matter.


Does the Assistant Postmaster-General not think that this House ought to be able to pass an opinion upon this matter? With a view to removing this scandal—for it is a scandal—I beg to give notice that I shall ask permission to move the Adjournment of the House.


In view of the serious situation which exists, not only in this but many other similar cases, will the Noble Lord ask the Postmaster-General to look into the whole question and see whether satisfactory auxiliary postmen cannot he found an opening in permanent positions?

Viscount WOLMER

As the hon. Member knows, that matter has been receiving very careful attention, but there are very great difficulties involved.