HC Deb 28 April 1926 vol 194 c2024

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware that the sheet-metal workers engaged in the construction of the all-metal aeroplanes by the firm of William Beardmore and Company, Limited, Dalmuir, are now on strike because the firm announced a reduction of 50 per cent. on the basis time for riveting; and that the work is now being done by unskilled labourers and is so inferior that it is not being passed by the Government inspectors; and whether he will see that fair wages are paid by those contractors?


A complaint was received with regard to the rate of wages paid by Messrs. Beardmore to certain workmen employed in aircraft manufacture, and the Air Ministry requested the complainants to furnish further information with a view to the investigation of the case. The information asked for has not yet been furnished, but, in view of the particulars now given by the hon. Member, my Department has addressed an inquiry to the company in regard to the matter in dispute.