HC Deb 28 April 1926 vol 194 cc2014-6

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, in view of the statement of the Lord Provost of Glasgow that Inspector Vance, of the Glasgow Police Force made a report to the Admiralty regarding the sinking of His Majesty's Ship "Hampshire," he will say why, in the face of this report, which has not been published, he has stated on several occasions that all information regarding the matter has been published?


The Lord Provost of Glasgow informs me that he has made no statement as to Inspector Vance having made any report regarding the sinking of the "Hampshire." No such report, so far as I can trace, was ever made to the Admiralty, and I know of no foundation for the suggestion that he has some special information on this subject.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the references in telegrams which passed from the Admiral commanding at Orkney and Shetland to his Flag Admiral, and that these were the officers in charge at Longhope at that time?


I have seen the telegrams to which the hon. Member is referring and there is nothing in them to show that any report was made on the "Hampshire." I have had a letter from the Lord Provost at Glasgow in which he says that he never said that any report had been made about the "Hampshire" by Inspector Vance. All he said was that any reports on any subject which Inspector Vance might have made would have been forwarded to the Admiralty official at the Orkneys.


Will the right hon. Gentleman receive proof of the statement having been made in telegrams by the Lord Provost?


I am prepared to read out the Lord Provost's answer— The last two telegrams referred to in the 'Referee' arrived in Glasgow when I was from home, and were answered by my secretary. It is quite clear to me, as I am sure it must be to you from a perusal of these telegrams"— and so it would be to the hon. Member for Dundee (Mr. Scrymgeour) if he would read them carefully— that I made no statement about Inspector Vance having made any report regarding the sinking of the Hampshire.'


Would the right hon. Gentleman be prepared to hear this statement by the Lord Provost? [HON. MEMBERS: "No!"] I am asking if this is not correct? It is from the Lord Provost— All reports furnished by Detective. Inspector Vance during his stay in Orkney were made to the Admiral Commanding Orkney and Shetland at Longhope, or the Flag Admiral.—Lord Provost, Glasgow.


There is one mistake in the hon. Member's quotation. He says "all reports," and he seems to indicate all reports on this matter. But what the Lord Provost said was that all reports furnished by Detective Inspector Vance were made to the Admiral commanding at the Orkney and Shetland or to his Flag Admiral, and there is no reference whatever to the "Hampshire."


With regard to the "Hampshire," the question is—


The hon. Member had better submit any further question.


I am prepared to submit it.

Commander BELLAIRS

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that none of this discussion nine years after the event would have taken place had the Admiralty followed the invariable practice of the Navy in former days of holding a court-martial whenever a ship was lost; and will he see that in future that takes place when a ship is lost?


I hope that no such circumstances will arise.

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