HC Deb 28 April 1926 vol 194 c2020
44. Mr. RILEY

asked the Minister of Labour under what authority unemployment committees may refuse unemployed benefit to a person who is otherwise entitled to benefit on the ground that he has done work, or is doing work, on his allotment, or may threaten to prosecute a person receiving unemployed benefit because he has done, or is doing, work on his allotment?


The claim to unemployment benefit of a person who has ordinarily worked on his allotment in his spare time is not affected, so long as he is otherwise entitled, unless his remuneration or profit from the allotment exceeds £1 a week. If, for the purpose of obtaining benefit, he knowingly made a false representation, he would be liable to prosecution. If the hon. Member will give me particulars of any specific case he has in mind, I will have inquiries made.


Is it thought by the Ministry that there is a possibility of any allotment holder making over £l a week, when a farmer cannot do it on an acre?

46. Mr. BARKER

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that Trevor W. Gwynne, 32, Crown Street, Crumlin, Men., insurance agent, 'has been refused unemployment benefit; that Gwynne has two and a half years' credit of stamps with the insurance unemployment scheme and has received no benefit from them; will he therefore have this case fully investigated with a view to benefit being paid in this case?


I am making inquiries into this ease, and will let the hon. Member know the result.