HC Deb 27 April 1926 vol 194 cc1815-6
4. Brig.-General Sir HENRY CROFT

asked the President of the Board of Trade what were the values of exports of British manufactures to Europe and imports of manufactures from Europe in the last completed year; and what were the similar figures for 1913?


My hon. and gallant Friend will, perhaps, agree to my circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement giving the information for which he asks.

Following is the statement

The following statement, relating to the trade between the United Kingdom and the Continent of Europe, shows the value of our imports and exports of articles wholly or mainly manufactured in each of the years 1913 and 1924. Similar particulars for 1925 are not yet available.

1913. 1924.
£'000. £ '000.
Imports consigned from Europe. 136,471 176,546
Of which retained 123,439 160,981
Exports of goods manufactured in the United Kingdom consigned to Europe. 113,738 151,892

Trade between the Trish Free State and the Continent of Europe is included in the figures given above for 1913, but not in those for 1924. Their inclusion would add about 1 per cent. to the import figures and a much smaller proportion to the export figures.