HC Deb 20 April 1926 vol 194 c1017
42. Mr. J. HUDSON

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that his Department did not answer the queries in a letter from the Huddersfield Chamber of Commerce, dated 1st January, until 28th January, and even then the only information elicited was that inquiries relating to parcels delayed in the post for search by the Customs Department are referred to that Department; and whether he can explain the long delay of the Post Office in sending answers of this sort?

The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Sir William Mitchell-Thomson)

Receipt of tile letter of the Huddersfield Chamber of Commerce was duly acknowledged by the Post Office on 5th January, and it was explained on 28th January, in reply to the Chamber's further letter of 25th January, that the matter had been referred to the Department of Customs and Excise. I regret that the Post Office was not in a position to send a full reply, but the matter was one in which the Department of Customs and Excise were primarily concerned, and their inquiries had not then been completed.


Would it not have been possible for the Post Office to give that piece of simple information at a much earlier date than the 28th January?


The Post Office were unaware precisely how long it would take the Department of Customs and Excise to make their detailed inquiries.