HC Deb 19 April 1926 vol 194 cc836-7
35. Brigadier-General BROWN

asked the Minister of Agriculture how many animals have been destroyed under the Tuberculosis Order of 1925; how much compensation has been paid on this account by the Government; and how much by the county rates?


From the 1st September, 1925, when the Order came into operation, up to the 31st December last, 7,151 cattle were slaughtered by local authorities and £31,294 paid by them in compensation. In accordance with the Diseases of Animals Act, 1925, £23,470 has been refunded by the Ministry, leaving the remaining quarter of the cost, or £7,823, to be met out of local rates. I understand that the local authorities have also received £7,958 by the salvage of carcases, which more than covers their share of the compensation.

Brigadier-General BROWN

May ask whether the right hon. Gentleman is aware that the local authorities bear a very much heavier burden, and if he will look into the matter to see that the extra administrative expenses, veterinary fees, etc., which now go on to the rates, are paid for by the Government?


I think it is a generous settlement that the State really bears the whole cost of the compensation, and I cannot hold out any prospects of any further legislation at the present time.

Brigadier-General BROWN

Will the right hon. Gentleman make inquiries as to how much extra expense is thrown on the rates by this Order?