HC Deb 23 November 1925 vol 188 cc887-8
10. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether the recommendation of the majority of the Muddiman Committee that politicians who had been imprisoned for political offences should now be permitted to stand for legislative councils and assemblies has been rejected by the Government of India; and, if so, why?


The Government of India have given effect to the recommendations of the majority of the Muddiman Committee on this subject, and then notifications were presented to the House on the 16th November. I shall be glad to send the hon. and gallant Member a copy of a resolution issued by them on the 20th October in further explanation of the matter, if he requires it.


Are we to understand that this concession by the Government meets absolutely the point of the Muddiman Committee Report; for instance, are people now barred to be allowed to stand for the Councils?


The position is that under the now regulations it is open to any person who by reason of the regulations is barred from being nominated, to apply to the local government, or to the Government of India, as the case may be, for permission to stand.