HC Deb 19 November 1925 vol 188 c568
59. Brigadier-General BROOKE

asked the Minister of Health the number of persons admitted to the vagrancy wards of the country during the last 12 months, as compared with 1919 and 1913: and the total cost in each year of such, accommodation?


I am sending my hon. and gallant Friend some figures, enabling a comparison to be made as to the numbers of casual paupers in the years referred to, but I regret that neither the total number of admissions to casual wards nor the cost of maintaining the wards can be given.


Would not the right hon. Gentleman have these figures inserted in the OFFICIAL REPORT, as well as sending them to the hon. Member?


I will have that done.

Following are the figures:

NUMBER OF CASUALS RELIEVED in England and Wales on the last Friday night in each of the four quarters of the years ending in September, 1925, 1919 and 1913.
Last Friday in the quarter ending. 1925 1919 1913
December 6,973 1,091 8,126
March 8,244 1,256 9,153
June 7,351 1,516 5,563
September 8,699 1,857 7,279

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