HC Deb 16 November 1925 vol 188 c14
24. Captain GARRO-JONES

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he can make a statement regarding the working of the subvention scheme in aid of profits and wages in the coal industry, and, in particular, regarding its cost during the months of August. September, and, if possible, October?


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the liability of the State to date in respect of the coal subsidy; and whether he can give any estimate of the total amount now anticipated as likely to be payable by the taxpayer?

The SECRETARY for MINES (Colonel Lane-Fox)

The cost of the subvention to the end of October is estimated to amount to about £6,000,000. A Supplementary Estimate will shortly be before the House and a full statement will then be made.


Can the hon. and gallant Gentleman say for what amount the Supplementary Estimate will be?

Colonel LANE - FOX

No, Sir. Obviously it will have to be left until the Supplementary Estimate is presented.