HC Deb 13 May 1925 vol 183 c1834
31. Mr. T. KENNEDY

asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been drawn to the case of Mr. A. E. Roberts, of 10, Plough Court. Frank well, Shrewsbury, who, although granted a further period of unemployment benefit on 30th March last, has so far been unable to obtain payment; whether he is aware that efforts to ascertain the cause of nonpayment have been unavailing; and whether, in view of the fact that Mr. Roberts and 'his nine immediate dependants are experiencing great hardships, steps will be taken immediately to investigate the matter?


This case is one for decision, not by me, but by the statutory authorities. The insurance officer has ruled that Mr. Roberts is not entitled to benefit, and is liable to repay certain benefit which has been overpaid; Mr. Roberts has appealed to the Court of Referees, and I will notify the hon. Member of the decision in due course