HC Deb 13 May 1925 vol 183 cc1846-7

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that married ex-service men are, being engaged through the Employment Exchanges as part-time night, telephonists. per hour; that the hours worked are, approximately, 18 per week: that the men, although only earning 18s. per week, have to pay 4s. per week travelling money; and whether he will see that no unemployed man is disqualified from receiving benefit for refusing to accept such employment


I am aware that employment with the London Telephone service, on conditions corresponding generally to those described, is offered through the Employment Exchanges. The question whether a person who has refused an offer of employment should he disqualified for unemployment benefit is determined, not by me, but by the statutory authorities, who consider each individual case on its merits in the light of the statutory conditions.


Will the right hon. Gentleman do his best to see that any man who refuses to accept a job at 18s. a week, out of which he has to pay 4s. a week to get there and back, is not disqualified from receiving benefit?


As the hon. Member will be aware, I cannot interfere with the actual statutory authorities. On the other hand, I have not had any case brought to my knowledge where, under these conditions, benefit has been suspended on the ground of refusal to accept the employment