HC Deb 12 May 1925 vol 183 c1664

asked the Minister of Transport whether his Department is in favour of the withdrawal of the powers possessed by him under Section 14 (3) of The Roads Act, 1920, relating to the licensing of motor omnibuses; and whether he has asked the Municipal Tramways' Association to promote a Bill having for its object the repealing of the Section of The Roads Act, 1920, which provides for the final decision in these cases being given by the Minister?

Colonel ASHLEY:

In my opinion the powers of the Minister, under Section 14 (3) of the Roads Act, have served and continue to serve a most useful purpose, and the suggestion contained in the last part of the question is without foundation. As the hon. Member is doubtless aware, however, the whole arrangements for the licensing of omnibuses require reconsideration in view of the increased use of the motor omnibus for through routes, and the Committee appointed to consider the question will, I anticipate, report to me in a few days