HC Deb 12 May 1925 vol 183 c1678
75. Captain GARRO-JONES

asked the Minister of Health whether he has taken any step to deal with authenticated instances of profiteering in the rents of decontrolled houses?

Sir K. WOOD:

On the information before my right hon. Friend, he does not consider that the charging of excessive rents for decontrolled 'houses is so prevalent as to call for special Governmental action


In view at' the fact that the Minister continually repudiates these admitted facts, will he take action in authenticated cases?

Sir K. WOOD:

The hon. Member must not take it that these are admitted facts. I have stated that there is no sufficient evidence to justify action, though there might probably be in connection with sub-letting


Is it not a fact that there are far more cases of profiteering by tenants at the expense of their sub-tenants?


Has the hon. Gentleman's 'attention not been drawn to the large number of advertisements by estate agents asking premiums for houses, and is not that a violation of the Act?