HC Deb 11 May 1925 vol 183 c1425

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies,whether His 'Majesty's Government adheres to the principle that there is an Imperial responsibility for the protection of native races not represented in legislative assemblies; and what steps have been taken with regard to the responsibility in respect of the natives of Southern Rhodesia?


His Majesty's Government certainly adhere to this principle so far as concerns the Colonies, Protectorates and other territories for the administration of which the Secretary of State is responsible. Southern Rhodesia., however, under the Constitution granted in 1923, now enjoys responsible government; but certain powers with regard to native administration have been reserved to the High Commissioner for South Africa, in accordance with the recommendations made in the first Report of Lord Buxton's Committee, which is published in Cmd.1273. Natives in Southern Rhodesia are eligible to be placed on the register of voters if duly qualified, bat I understand that at present the number of 9nch natives is very small