HC Deb 11 May 1925 vol 183 cc1429-30
28. Brigadier-General BR00KE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department if he can give the latest figure of coal output, consumption and stocks in hand in Russia, and the average price of the Russian commodity as compared with British, plus freight charges per ton, landed in Russia?


I will gladly give my hon. and gallant Friend the information in the possession of the Department of Overseas Trade, but as the answer involves a long table of figures, I will, with his permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT

The information, is as follows

The latest statistics of gross coal production in Russia are approximately as follows:—

Million tons
Year ending 30th September, 1924 14
Five months ending 28th February, 1925 6

Consumption and wastage at the mines was estimated at about 15 per cent. of these figures

No figures are available regarding coal consumption in Russia

Stocks remaining at mines:

Million tons
February, 1925 2˙03

Million tons. February, 1925 2003

Russian nominal selling price f.o.r. Donetz about 24s. 2d. per ton

The foregoing figures are taken from returns issued by the Soviet Government

As regards the last part of the question, I regret that I am not in a position to state at what price British coal could be landed in Russia

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