HC Deb 06 May 1925 vol 183 cc911-2

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the number of Russian subjects in this country recognised as attached in any way to the Soviet diplomatic mission; and how this number compared with the recognised staffs of other diplomatic missions in this country?

7. Colonel GRETTON

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how many persons connected with the Russian trade delegations in this country have been given diplomatic status by the British Government; if there is any limitation of the number of persons so privileged; and, if so, will he say what is such limitation?


The number of persons on the staff of the Soviet Mission in this country who enjoy diplomatic immunity is four; the Soviet Charge d'Affaires is treated in the same manner as other duly accredited diplomatic representatives, who are allowed diplomatic immunity for a staff sufficient to enable them to carry out their duties adequately. The diplomatic staffs of other foreign missions vary in number between one (in the case of some of the smaller countries) and 24.

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