HC Deb 04 May 1925 vol 183 cc578-9
52. Sir W. DAVISON

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the terms of a resolution recently moved by Zinovieff, at a session of the executive of the Third International, demanding that an independent democratic republic should be set up in India as soon as the Indian people have thrown off the British yoke, and pledging support for these revolutionary activities on behalf of the Russian Soviet Government to the leaders of the Indian revolutionary movement directed towards the overthrow of the British Empire; and what action the Government propose to take in the matter?


My present information is confined to Press references, and until I have official confirmation and have had an opportunity of considering the full text I should prefer to make no statement upon it.


Is it not very desirable that the Foreign Office should exercise themselves in obtaining information on this subject about which everyone knows, especially having regard to the express clause in the trade agreement?


I quite agree. Press references can be got through much more quickly than the original documents.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Is not this one of the subjects which can be discussed advantageously if we reopen negotiations with the Soviet Government?