HC Deb 31 March 1925 vol 182 c1104
70. Mr. T. THOMSON

asked the Postmaster-General if he is now in a position to state what action the Government propose to take with regard to the complaints made of the destruction of pigeons and other bids by broadcasting wires; whether he is aware that the British Broadcasting Company, Limited, have stated that they have no objection to the placing of corks on aerial wires; and, as offers to supply corks have been made by various bird protection societies, does he propose to do anything in this matter?

The POSTMASTER - GENERAL (Sir W. Mitchell-Thomson)

There are now more than 1,300,000 wireless licence holders; and I do not think it would be reasonable or practicable to require them, as a condition of their licences, to affix corks to their aerials. I have been in communication with the National Homing Union, and have suggested to them that they should invite the cooperation of the British Broadcasting Company in giving publicity to appeals on the subject.