HC Deb 24 March 1925 vol 182 cc321-2

I hope I have made the conditions clear as I see them. I venture to put to the House the choice which I believe lies before us. Ever since peace was signed, no less than when war was still being waged, Europe has been ranged in two camps, divided as were the combatants in the War. Fear, haunting, restless, brooding fear, haunts the councils of every nation and the homes of every Continental people—fear that warps the judgment and deflects the policy, which leads to irritating acts, to fresh provocation, which renews day by day the offences of the War, the bitterness of the War, the rancours of the War. If this continues, sooner or later Europe will march to a new Armageddon. It will not be in my time, it may not be in the time of most of those whom I am addressing, but unless you can get away from this atmosphere of fear and suspicion, from this attitude of armed camps, then, if not in my time, in my children's or my grandchildren's time, Europe will be given up to a new struggle, and a generation which has to pay the penalty of that unnecessary war will judge harshly the statesmen of to-day who failed to take in time the measures by which it might be prevented.