HC Deb 18 March 1925 vol 181 cc2273-4

(by Private Notice) asked the Chairman of the Kitchen Committee whether it was a fact that, at the Kitchen Committee meeting this afternoon, it was to be decided whether or not the present Members' Smoking Room and Chess Room should be converted into an additional dining room, and the present Tea Room into a Members' Smoking Room, and whether the Kitchen Committee had taken steps to obtain the general feeling of Members with regard to this suggested alteration?


It is not the intention of the Kitchen Committee this afternoon to decide upon, but to consider, certain suggested alterations in the arrangement of the rooms of the House. It is not our desire, nor' is it within our power, to impose any alteration

without the consent of Mr. Speaker and the wish of the House itself. I may add that the question of interfering with the Chess Room has not been thought of. All that we desire to do is to improve the service of the House, and, certainly, to add to the comfort of hon. Members.