HC Deb 17 March 1925 vol 181 cc2052-3
35. Brigadier-General CHARTERIS

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether his attention has been directed to the final deliverance of the Land Court on the application of the Board of Agriculture for Scotland (Gretna) holding issue at Edinburgh on the 14th February, 1925; and whether, in view of the fact that the note attached to this deliverance contains a recommendation that the authorities should make every effort to remedy the undoubted grievance in the distance of certain of the present dwelling houses from the steadings and the holdings, ho will consider the desirability of assisting the present holders to exchange their existing dwellings for any suitable permanent buildings which may come on the market closer to the steadings and the holdings, such assistance to take the form of a loan to the smallholder at a suitable rate of interest?


I have seen the note referred to, which is in more qualified terms than my hon. and gallant Friend's question suggests. I do not consider that it would be justifiable to incur further expenditure in the provision of other dwelling-houses for these holdings. Any disadvantages to the holders arising from the distance of their dwelling-houses from the holdings have been taken into account by the Scottish Land Court in fixing the rents of the holdings and the valuation of the existing holdings.

Brigadier-General CHARTERIS

Do not the Land Court in fact recommend that steps should be taken to remedy this?


No, they drew attention to the circumstance.