HC Deb 16 March 1925 vol 181 cc1892-3

As regards armament and equipment, steady and energetic progress is being made, and the more important features have been detailed in the memorandum circulated to hon. Members. As will he realised, all real advance in the design of armament and equipment involves research, and cur research and experimental work, in all directions, is not only conducted by highly trained military staffs, with civilian assistance, but, we have the advantage of being able to consult in most spheres of research the ables scientific brains in the civilian world. If hon. Members look at the numerous names of Fellows of the Royal Society, who give us the benefit of their genius and wisdom, they will be satisfied that we have at our disposal the best advice obtainable. Research work is, however, expensive, but I assure the House that the sum of close on half a million, which we are spending on research activities, is not wasted money.