HC Deb 12 March 1925 vol 181 cc1508-10
75. Mr. SCURR

asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been drawn to the Report of the Auditor-General for New South Wales for the year ending 30th June last, showing that the State brickworks, which had sold 44,763,581 bricks at a price approximately Is. per thousand less than that charged by private firms, made a profit of £27,511; and whether, in view of this example and the shortage of houses and high price of bricks in this country, he will consider the advisability of establishing State brickworks here?


My attention has not previously been called to the Report in question, but full information as to local circumstances would be required before one could safely draw any deduction from the results referred to. In answer to the latter part of the question, it is not the present intention of the Government to establish State brickworks in this country.


asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been drawn to the comparative prices of bricks; and whether, seeing that on the 27th February the price of bricks per 1,000 was first hard stocks, 97s., second hard stocks, 92s., and Flettons, 55s. 9d., and on the 6th March was first hard stocks, 105s., second hard stocks, 100s., and Flettons 59s. 6d., in London, he proposes to take any action to prevent profiteering in bricks and other building materials?


The reports which I have received do not confirm any general increase in the price of bricks for this month. The prices quoted in "The Builder" both for 27th February and 6th March, are as follow:

Stocks per 1,000 alongside in River Thames up to London Bridge:

s. d.
Best 83 6
Second hard stocks 78 6

Flettons per 1,000 at King's Cross, 53s. 3d.

Rotherham Rural District. Doncaster Rural District.
Local Authority Schemes. Private Enterprise Schemes. Local Authority Schemes. Private Enterprise Schemes.
1, Housing, Town Planning, Etc. Act, 1919:
Houses completed 436 60 172
2. Housing (Additional Powers) Act, 1919:
Houses completed 322 614
3. Housing, Etc. Act, 1923
(a) Houses completed 106 175 1,127
(b) Houses under construction 166 175 191
(c) Houses authorised but not yet started 152 1,119 46 659

During the 18 months ended 30th September, 1924, there were erected without subsidy 215 houses in Rotherham Rural District and 339 in Doncaster Rural District;

The question of any increases in the price of bricks or other building materials will be investigated by the Prices of Building Materials Committee.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that I took my figures from the last issue of the "Carpenter and Builder"?


I do not know whether the hon. Member suggests that the figures in the "Builder" this week are quite different from the figures published last week. I think he must have taken the figures for an entirely different year.


I do not suggest anything of the kind. The figures I quoted were those given in the last issue of the "Carpenter and Builder."