HC Deb 10 March 1925 vol 181 cc1112-3

asked the Secretary for Scotland how much of the £200,000, Agriculture (Scotland) Fund, was applied during each of the three years 1922–24 for the purpose of the constitution of new landholders' holdings; how much for the enlargement of landholders' holdings; and how much for the improvement and rebuilding of dwelling-houses and other buildings of landholders and cottars?


As the answer contains a large number of figures, I propose to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

As accounts for the services in question are not completed up to the end of the calendar year 1024. I propose to give figures for the three financial years ended the 31st March, 1924. It is not possible to separate the cost of constituting new small holdings from that of enlarging existing holdings as most land schemes comprise both these purposes. The net expenditure from the Agriculture (Scotland) Fund, as augmented by loans from the Public Works Loan Commissioners, on new holdings and enlargements was in 1921–2 £385,661, in 1922–3 £192,048, and in 1923–4 £204,963. The corresponding net expenditure on the improvement and rebuilding of dwelling-houses and other buildings of landholders and cottars was in 1921–2 £25,528, in 1922–3 £31,871, and in 1923–4 £28,224.