HC Deb 09 March 1925 vol 181 cc904-5

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been called to a discussion at the annual conference of the united farmers of Alberta, held at Calgary recently, and the subsequent resolution passed by the central board of the united farmers to the effect that more people should not be encouraged to come to Western Canada until conditions alter and better hopes tan be held out for the future; and, in view of the effect this resolution may have upon intending emigrants to the Dominion of Canada, can he make any statement that will allay any fears that my be entertained as to the finding of employment in Western Canada by persons going out under the provisions of the Empire Settlement Act?


Yes, Sir. Employment is guaranteed by the Government of the Dominion to all persons proceeding to Canada under a scheme arranged with the Dominion Government under the provisions of the Empire Settlement Act.

13. Captain GEE (for Captain ARTHUR EVANS)

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can state the number of emigrants who have been placed in the Dominions and Colonies under the Empire Settlement Act?


The total number of persons who have received assistance under the Empire Settlement Act to settle in other parts of the Empire up to 31st January, 1925, is 88,558.