HC Deb 02 March 1925 vol 181 cc22-3
42. Mr. BARKER

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that on 12th February last an order was issued to local employment committees depriving unemployed persons of benefit who have not paid eight contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Acts since 3rd July, 1922; that this order has deprived about 500 miners of benefit at Nantygle arid Blaina, Monmouthshire, since 19th February, 1925; that there are 30,000 miners out of employment in South Wales and Monmouthshire at the present time; that it is impossible for the unemployed miners to obtain work; and will he, therefore, revoke this order and restore unemployment benefit to these persons?


The requirement referred to in the first part of the question was announced and explained in the reply given by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour to the hon. and gallant Member for Bury (Major Aims-worth) on the 11th February. The requirement is imposed in exercise of the power given to the Minister of Labour to suspend temporarily the full effect of the condition imposed by the Act of last August, namely, that 30 contributions must have been paid since the beginning of the last. insurance year hut one. Those who have been disqualified in the Blaina and Nantyglo district have been in receipt of benefit out of the Unemployment Fund for so long that. I fear that it is impossible to restrict the recent order and allow them to remain on benefit for a further indefinite period.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the effect of that order will be to drive these people to the boards of guardians, and that the Bedwellty Board of Guardians have already involved themselves in a loan of £400,000 for the unemployed?


I am well aware that the position of these men is very serious, but I am sure the hon. Member will agree that I cannot, in answer to a question, give a fuller answer than I have given now. without becoming involved in a discussion as to the whole extent and application of the Unemployment Insurance Act. I would, therefore, ask the hon. Member if he will raise the question in the discussion which is going to take place in the course of the next few days.


Is it the policy of the Government to sweep the Employment Exchanges of these cases so as to throw them on the boards of guardians in England and the parish councils in Scotland, with a view to raising the local rates?


That question can be dealt with in the Debate this day week.

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