HC Deb 02 March 1925 vol 181 cc33-4
60. Mr. SCURR

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the sentence imposed on Robert Oulagi, a boy of 18 years of age, at the Old Bailey on the 26th February; and if he will cause an inquiry to be held into the mental and physical condition of the prisoner before the punishment of 20 strokes with the cat is carried out?


I have received reports showing that there is no medical reason why the sentence of the Court on this prisoner should not be carried out. It will not of course be carried out until the expiration of the 10 days within which the prisoner may apply to the Court of Criminal Appeal.


Is the hon. Member aware that the Judge in passing sentence said that he had to pay no attention to the abnormal condition of the prisoner's mind but simply to carry out the law. Is the hon. Member aware that there is considerable evidence that this prisoner is. absolutely abnormal?


Would it not be better if hon. Members confined their attention to keeping gentlemen with this sort of name out of the country rather than attempting to secure remission of punishment for them?


I should like to answer the question of the hon. Member opposite. The honorary medical officer of Brixton Prison has reported very fully on this case. He has reported that the prisoner is sane, that he is in robust physical health and condition, that his general bodily and mental development is far in advance of his actual age, and that in this case there is no evidence of epilepsy and he cannot come to any other conclusion than that Oulagi is quite sane and responsible for his actions.


I beg to give notice that I will raise this question on the Adjournment to-morrow.


Is it not possible for the Home Secretary to make some regulation in regard to the censorship of films which induce lads to do these things?