§ 39. Captain W. BENNasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he can give a list of the particulars in which the German Government has already complied with the demands of the Allies with regard to disarmament
§ The SECRETARY of STATE for WAR (Sir Laming Worthington-Evans)I have been asked to reply. The final Report of the Inter-Allied Military Commission. of Control on the general inspection carried out in Germany between September, 1924, and January, 1925, is now being investigated by the Allied Military Committee of Versailles, and it would be premature to issue any statement until the Report of the Allied Military Committee of Versailles has been received and considered by the Allied Governments.
§ Captain BENNI fear that my question has been misunderstood. I asked what measures of disarmament the German Government have already taken. I am not speaking of defaults.
§ Sir L. WORTHINGTON-EVANSThere is a report which deals with that question, and I think it would be premature to make any statement until that report has been considered.
§ Captain BENNAre the Government unable to make any general statement as to what degree Germany has disarmed?
§ Sir L. WORTHINGTON-EVANSWe are only unwilling for the moment for fear of misleading the hon. and gallant Gentleman.
§ Major CRAWFURDCan we be assured that the report will be published?