HC Deb 18 June 1925 vol 185 cc813-4

Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had added the following ten Members to Standing Committee C (in respect of the Ministers of Religion (Removal of Disqualifications) Bill): Mr. Barr, Major Birchall, Mr. Broad, Mr. Duff Cooper, Major Crawfurd, Captain Eden, Mr. William Greenwood, Mr. Godfrey Locker -Lampson, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Joseph Nail, and Mr. Waddington.

Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON further reported from the Committee; That they had added the following ten Members to Standing Committee C (in respect of the Improvement of Land Act (1899) Amendment Bill): Colonel Sir George Court-hope, Major Crawfurd, Mr. George Hall, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Lamb, Mr. Foot Mitchell, Sir Douglas Newton, Mr. Shepperson, Mr. Edward Wood, and Major Yerburgh.

Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON further reported from the Committee; That they had added the following ten Members to Standing Committee C (in respect of the Dramatic and Musical Performers' Protection Bill and the Advertisements Regulation Bill [Lords]: Mr. Ernest Alexander, Captain Bowyer, Sir William Bull, Sir Burton Chadwick, Sir Martin Conway, Major Crawfurd, Colonel Day, Mr. Ford, Major-General Sir Newton Moore, and Mr. Oliver.

Reports to lie upon the Table.