HC Deb 18 June 1925 vol 185 c902

I beg to move, in page 2, line 21, to leave out from the word "Where," to the word "in," in line 28, and to insert instead thereof the words under Part II of the Development and Road Improvement Funds Act, 1909, a new road is constructed, or an advance is made in respect of the construction or improvement of a road, and land forming part of any common, open space, or allotment, is under any enactment acquired, or proposed to be acquired, for the purposes of such construction or improvement, if any land is required for the purpose of being given. This Amendment is to alter a Clause inserted in Committee regarding common land. The Clause gives power to acquire land which is given in exchange for a part of a common that is taken over for a road, but in its present form is limited to the case where the land for the road has been acquired compulsorily. The Amendment is to enable the exchange to be made, and land acquired for this purpose where the land for the road has been obtained by agreement or under some Act other than the Development Act. It is not proposed that the land to be given in exchange shall be acquired compulsorily unless an order to that effect is made by the Development Commissioners.

Amendment agreed to.