§ 22. Major Sir BERTRAM FALLEasked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether recommendations which are made by the Fleet representatives at the quarterly meetings of the headquarters' naval canteen committees possess any executive power; and, if not, whether steps will be taken to ensure that due attention is paid to recommendations carried by a majority of the representatives, in order that much desired and necessary improvements may be effected?
Mr. DAVIDSONThe Admiralty has no reason to doubt that the recommendations do receive the full and sympathetic consideration of the authorities of the Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes, and that they are given effect to, whenever practicable.
§ Sir B. FALLEIs the hon. Gentleman aware that there is considerable dissatisfaction at the recent management of this committee, and will he inquire into it?
23. The HON. BARONETalso asked whether the Naval Administrative Committee of the Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes is still responsible for the administration of the naval canteen service or whether responsibility is now vested in the office of commercial manager under direction of the general manager; and, if so, whether such change was made with Admiralty approval?
Mr. DAVIDSONThe Naval Administrative Committee automatically ceased to function as the canteen service developed on normal peace lines, and at the present time the naval section of the Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes is in charge of a naval accountant officer acting under the general manager. The arrangement has the full approval of the Admiralty.
§ Sir B. FALLEIs the hon. Gentleman aware that it causes very considerable dissatisfaction, and is not well received by the men?
24. The HON. BARONETfurther asked whether the absence of advisory officers from the 22nd meeting of the headquarters naval canteen committee is an indication that in the future the various commanders-in-chief will not be represented; and whether, in view of the acknowledged success of the system of close co-operation between officers and men in all matters affecting the welfare of the lower deck, orders will be issued to ensure that these officers shall attend in the future?
Mr. DAVIDSONIn response to a resolution passed by the Fleet representatives at the meeting referred to, the Admiralty have now arranged for the attendance, in future, of an officer from each of the three home ports. I may add that the attendance of these officers, who did not act in any advisory capacity, as suggested by my hon. and gallant Friend, was made optional, as verbatim reports of the proceedings at the meetings are now circulated.