HC Deb 16 June 1925 vol 185 cc470-2

Easter offerings voluntarily paid to ministers of religion shall be exempt from Income Tax.


I desire to move the New Clause proposed by the right hon. Member for Cambridge University (Mr. Rawlinson) providing for the exemption of Easter offerings from Income Tax.


The hon. and learned Member is not able to move a New Clause if his name is not down to it.


I also came to an agreement with the hon. and learned Member for Cambridge University in regard to this New Clause. Will it be in order for me to move it now?


No. I am afraid not. It is not out of order for the hon. Member to bring it up to-morrow.

Captain BENN

But I understod that to-morrow we are to consider the New Clauses indicated by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Clauses which we on these benches are foregoing to-night.


That is a matter for agreement. I was only stating what the Order of the House was.


Do I understand, Mr. Chairman, that a Member cannot move a New Clause unless his name is attached to it? Is that your ruling?


Yes, that is so, but a New Clause can be moved at the end of the other Clauses. The hon. Member cannot, as it were, adopt another hon. Member's Clause, but in case it is not moved and disposed of at the time when it first appears on the Paper, he car himself put it on the Paper and it can be taken at the end of the other Clauses on the Paper.

Captain BENN

I beg to move, "That the Chairman do report Progress, and ask leave to sit again."

There was a distinct understanding that only the Clauses indicated by the Chancellor of the Exchequer should be taken to-morrow.


I hope it will not be necessary for the hon. and gallant Member to persist in his Motion. We shall regard it as an honourable undertaking to do everything in our power to see that the arrangement is kept, and at the same time do no injustice to those who sit behind us on these benches. At any rate, we shall do our best to in regard to the agreement made. I do not think this particular matter can receive adequate attention at this time of night. It has often been discussed in the House, and as it is not possible to discuss it now, I am sure some arrangement can be made for it to receive attention on the Report stage.


Before you report Progress, may I raise the question as to a Clause in the name of one of my colleagues. He intended to move it to-night. We want to safeguard our right to take it to-morrow if we can. It seems to me that the bargain has been broken that we should go home at half-past twelve o'clock.


I think there is something in the point the hon. Member raises. There is the Report stage, which will give us a little more time than we have this evening, when the point can be raised.


We came to a definite agreement that we should go home at half-past twelve, and accordingly our colleagues left. I am not going to be bound by any agreement to-morrow at all. I shall reserve my right to break any agreement made.


If the hon. Member feels himself in a position of strength, he might show some chivalry.


That I hoped you would have done to-night. We have no sign of it from you. [HON. MEMBERS: "Order! "]


At the end of the Report stage, I shall call Mr. Speaker's attention to certain points or divergencies and points of agreement and of substance that are left at the end of the Committee stage, and in his judgment he may allow things to go forward on Report.


Shall we be at liberty to bring forward this New Clause which you are now departing from because the name is not attached?


It is not in order to put down a Clause originally in the name of another Member not here to move it. It may be put down, and come at the end of the New Clauses.

Captain BENN

I beg to ask leave to withdraw my Motion. In doing so I wish to represent that in considering the matters brought to the attention of Mr. Speaker you will leave in hand the Clauses not moved from the Liberal benches.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.