HC Deb 16 June 1925 vol 185 cc271-3
33. Colonel DAY

asked the Minister of Transport whether, in view of the increase in the number of traffic accidents at cross roads, he will take such action with local authorities as will result in primary and secondary roads being denoted by signs of a standardised nature, capable of rapid interpretation and visibility, both by day and by night, so that the onus of caution can be made to rest upon drivers entering main roads, and so minimising the worst type of road accident?

Colonel ASHLEY

I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to the answer which I gave to the hon. and gallant Member for the Clitheroe Division of Lancaster (Captain Brass) on Thursday last, of which I am sending him a copy.

Colonel DAY

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the majority of these accidents occur to people coming up from the side roads into the main roads, not knowing they are approaching a main road?

Colonel ASHLEY

I think all motorists should approach corners with caution.


Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the removal of posts at dangerous crossing, and warning, in fact, the crossing traffic and not the main road traffic?


Will he also consider the advisability of putting up notices at least 50 yards before they meet the danger? In the case of most of the notices, you are on the danger when you see the notice.


asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what was the total number of fatal accidents caused by road motor traffic and the total number of persons killed by the said accidents for each of the three years 1922, 1923 and 1924; and what steps are being taken by the Government to protect the public against the dangers of road motor traffic?


According to the returns presented to Parliament annually, the number of accidents resulting in death caused by mechanically-propelled vehicles other than tramcars in streets, etc., in England and Wales was 1,958 in 1922, 2,205 in 1923 and 2,750 in 1924. The question of strengthening the law is receiving consideration.

Captain A. EVANS

Can the hon. Gentleman state how these figures compare with the United States on average, and whether an examination as to physical fitness and efficiency of the motor drivers is not carried out in the United States before a permanent licence is issued?


The hon. Member had better give me notice of that question.
