HC Deb 16 June 1925 vol 185 cc262-3
22. Brigadier-General CLIFTON BROWN

asked the Secretary of State for War what is the number of employés, civilian and other, of the War Office who occupy labourers' cottages in country districts; and whether any provision is being made by the War Office to provide housing accommodation for those civilians employed at remount depots and ordnance depots, etc., who are at present occupying cottages needed by agricultural labourers?

Captain KING

War Department employés for whom Government accommodation is not available choose their own place of residence, and I regret that information is not available as to the number of such employés who are occupying labourers' cottages in country districts. In the case of civilian employés whose duties are of a pivotal nature necessitating residence in close proximity to their work, steps are taken as funds become available to erect Government quarters for their occupation.

Brigadier-General BROWN

May I ask the hon. and gallant Gentleman if he is aware that War Office employés from Arborfield Remount Depot, Bramley Ordnance Depot, and other places are occupying agricultural labourers' cottages which are wanted for agriculture by their owners, and whether he will take some steps to deal with this matter by providing houses for their own employés?

Captain KING

My hon. and gallant Friend received an answer on that question a week or so ago, and I can assure him that the matter is fully realised.