HC Deb 30 July 1925 vol 187 cc606-7

asked the Minister of Health whether the Local Government Board or the Ministry of Health have ever interfered to prevent any task unsuited to his age, strength, or capacity being given to a casual, or ever exercised any disciplinary action over any officer who has given such a task; if so, when, where, and under what circumstances; and whether he will give to any casual, who considers the task imposed upon him to be unsuitable as aforesaid, or otherwise illegal, a right of appeal to the master of the workhouse?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the question put by him a fortnight ago. I regret that I am unable, without unduly extensive research, to give a more precise answer. As regards the last part of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. and gallant Member for Rhondda a fortnight ago.


May I ask the Minister of Health if his attention has been called to what has arisen at Nottingham on this very point?


No, Sir.


asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the tasks prescribed for the casual poor under the authority of Article 11 of the Casual Poor (Relief) Order, 1925, are posted in the casual wards without the proviso contained in that Article, that a casual shall be excused from the whole or any part of such task of work if it shall appear that the task is not suited to his age, strength or capacity; and whether he will circulate copies of the proviso, printed uniformly with the poster containing the list of prescribed tasks, to the guardians and others in charge of the casual wards and ask that they shall be posted below the tasks?


I do not think it is necessary to require guardians to post in the casual wards the proviso to which the hon. Member refers.