HC Deb 30 July 1925 vol 187 c642

asked the Secretary of State for War whether any decisions have yet been reached on the Report of the Lawrence Committee and future of the corps of military accountants?


Yes, Sir. After careful and prolonged consideration the Army Council have decided that the system advocated by the majority of the Committee, besides presenting serious disadvantages, e.g., from the point of view of mobilisation, would involve a heavier expense on account keeping than we can afford in the present circumstances of financial stringency.

It is, therefore proposed, subject to the approval of the Committee of Public Accounts, to discontinue the "cost" accounts of combatant units, retaining only those of productive and other establishments for which such accounts are of proved value. It is also proposed to return to the cash form for the Army Estimates and Accounts presented to this House, while at the same time furnishing supplementary information as to the full cost of various parts of the Army. This change will involve a reduction in the numbers of the accounting staff.