HC Deb 28 July 1925 vol 187 c234
26. Mr. ALBERY

asked the Minister of Transport whether, in view of the coming new police, order to the effect that during certain hours of the day standing is not allowed in public omnibuses, he will take steps to ensure that during the same period standing is not permitted in the underground trains; whether he is aware that in this period the railway companies so reduce the size of their trains as to make it impossible to seat all passengers; and whether he can make investigations to promote the greater comfort of the travelling public in these hours?

Colonel ASHLEY

I am not in a position to take the action suggested, but I have been in communication with the Underground Railway Companies, who inform mo that careful investigation of the loading during those times of the day to which my hon. Friend refers shows that the accommodation provided is, except in cases of unforeseen delay, in excess of requirements. The companies add that if they are informed at what place and on what occasion overcrowding has been observed, they will be pleased to make careful inquiry into the matter.