HC Deb 28 July 1925 vol 187 cc220-1
4. Captain BENN

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether a British-born woman married to an alien who was killed in the service of the Crown during the War is disqualified from making application for any share in the money voted by Parliament for meeting reparation claims?


The answer is in the affirmative. I would refer the hon. and gallant Member in this connection to the terms of reference of the Royal Commission on Compensation for Suffering and Damage by Enemy Action and to paragraph 22 of their first Report (Cmd. 1,798).

Captain BENN

Does the right hon. Gentleman think it just that a woman who is British-born, and who has, perhaps, lived all her life in this country, should not be compensated for the loss of a husband killed in the War?


That point does not arise. All the power I have is power to administer the fund provided by Parliament, in accordance with the terms of the Royal Commission. Parliament voted monies in accordance with the terms of that Royal Commission which excluded the consideration of such cases.

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