HC Deb 28 July 1925 vol 187 c233
27. Mr. ALBERY

asked the Minister of Transport whether, in cases where the deaths of pedestrians are in any way attributable to the narrowness of roads or the existence of dangerous turnings or corners, his Department makes inquiries to ascertain whether improvements in the conformation of the thoroughfares can be effected; and, if not, whether, in view of the rapid growth of motor traffic, he will take steps to do so?

Colonel ASHLEY

In cases where my attention is drawn to serious accidents of this nature, either through the Press or through other sources, inquiries are made by officers of my Department with a view to ascertaining, among other things, whether the accident was in any way due to road conditions which are capable of improvement. Within the London traffic area, as my hon. Friend is no doubt aware, it is now the duty of coroners to draw my attention to fatal accidents of this kind.