§ 33. Colonel DAYasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, seeing that the independent commission appointed by the League of Nations to investigate the Turkish-Iraq question returned with their recommendations several weeks ago, it can be ready in time to enable Members to have an adequate opportunity to consider and, if necessary, to discuss it in Parliament before the Adjournment in August?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINThe hon. Member appears to be labouring under some slight misapprehension. The commission will submit their report, not to His Majesty's Government, but to the Council of the League of Nations. Should that body decide to publish the report, I shall be perfectly willing, if Parliament is still sitting when actual publication takes place, to place a copy in the Library for the use of the hon. Members until such time as additional copies are obtainable.
The hon. Member will, in view of the above, realise that a discussion in Parliament before the matter has been discussed by the Council of the League of Nations, would scarcely be decorous.
§ Colonel DAYWill the right hon. Gentleman say when that Report will be presented to the League?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINI cannot say that, because I do not know. The hon. and gallant Gentleman continues to question me as if this Commission were an agent of the British Government. It is not; it is an agent of the League.