HC Deb 23 July 1925 vol 186 c2406
67. Mr. HURD

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he is aware of the uncertainty that exists as to the value of the different tuberculin tests and the consequent discouragement of the increased production of graded milk; and whether he will issue a circular indicating what, in the opinion of the Ministry, is the best method of clearing a herd of tuberculosis and generally advising farmers in this matter?


The Ministry has under consideration the investigation recently conducted under the auspices of the Medical Research Committee on the trustworthiness of various teats with tuberculin. My hon. Friend will also realise that very varying conditions prevail among the herds of this country, and I am therefore doubtful whether at the present time a circular of the kind suggested would fulfil the purpose he has in view. The Ministry is always prepared to advise in cases of special difficulty.