HC Deb 23 July 1925 vol 186 c2393
37. Mr. T. THOMSON

asked the Minister of Health the total number of workmen's dwellings built since the Armistice both with and without State assistance?


From the, Armistice to the 1st July last, 307,689 houses had been completed in connection with State-assisted schemes under the Housing Acts. Complete statistics are not available as to the number of houses built by private enterprise without assistance by way of subsidy, but during the 2½ years to 31st March last for which figures are available it is estimated that the number of houses so built was 160,566. Of these, 117,587 had a rateable value not exceeding £26 in the provinces and £35 in London. It may, therefore, be taken that not less than 425,000 houses of this type have been provided in the period referred to.